
Quality improvement (QI) allows organizations to not only improve activities but measure successes and articulate organizational value. In this one hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Marlene Mason, from Seattle-based MarMason Consulting, talks about the current QI activities being conducted in health departments across the United States and the link between QI and public health accreditation standards.

Learning Objectives

  • State an example of application of QI in public health
  • Describe how QI is built into the public health standards

Intended Audience

Local and state public health practitioners; Public health nurses


Marlene Mason is a principal with MarMason Consulting, based in Seattle, Washington. She has extensive experience in the assessment and improvement of public health practice, the development of performance standards for public health, in health plan preparation for NCQA accreditation, and in operational and clinical improvement in general healthcare, public health, and behavioral health organizations. She also has expertise in assessment and compliance with performance standards such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPSP), and the Baldrige Criteria for Performance.



Air Date: 
Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST
Accreditation & Quality Improvement
1 hour
Hot Topics in Practice
Competency Domains: 
Financial Planning and Management Skills
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills