Do you need a new approach to generating revenue? Do you have a program that you want to continue after your grant runs out? Then business planning may be the answer. This 45-minute online course helps you understand the basics of business planning and determine if writing a business plan is appropriate for your public health program. Business Planning for Public Health Programs is the first in a two-part series on public health business plans. The second part is titled, Feasibility Planning for Public Health Business Plans.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the parts of a business plan
- Explain how business planning can be helpful for a public health agency or non-profit organization
- Describe the function of business planning
- Identify when it is appropriate to do a business plan
Intended Audience
Managers in local health departments
This HTML-based online course has interactive exercises (Flash-based) and should take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Course Instructor
Stephen Orton, PhD
Deputy Director, Executive Education, North Carolina Institute for Public Health, University of North Carolina
Technical Requirements
This course requires certain software and browser plugins to be installed. See our Technical Requirements page for details.
This online course is text-based and is designed for accessibility. A print version of the course is also available in the Supplemental Material section at the bottom of this page. Please note that the print version does not include interactive exercises, quizzes, or the final assessment. Flash-based interactive exercises and quizzes in the course may not be accessible to screen readers. To receive a print version of the quizzes in this course, please contact If you have any difficulties in accessing the information given in any of our documents or need further assistance, please contact