In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Donovan Newton, MPA, will review the importance of evaluation across the policy process, using examples from prescription drug overdose, suicide prevention, and traumatic brain injury initiatives.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe policy as a public health intervention, including the types of policy.
  • Explain the importance of evaluation for all public health interventions, particularly for innovative policies.
  • Apply the lessons learned to determine next steps in supporting injury and violence prevention policy priorities.

Intended Audience

Local, state, and tribal public health professionals; Injury and violence prevention specialists in clinical settings and community-based organizations; Injury and violence partner organizations at federal, state, and local levels


Donovan Newton, MPA, Policy Analyst, CDC and National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Discussion Questions

These questions are designed to further your thinking on the topic covered in this webinar. You may print and discuss them with colleagues and other members of your organization before or after watching this webinar.

  1. What is the role of policy in public health?
  2. How can public health policy efforts be evaluated?
  3. Why is it important to evaluate public health policy efforts?



    Air Date: 
    Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PDT
    Violence and Injury Prevention
    1 hour
    Hot Topics in Practice
    Competency Domains: 
    Analytical/Assessment Skills
    Policy Development/Program Planning Skills