In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Kirsten Aird, MPH, shares the public health approach to engaging older populations and community partners in addressing health issues.

Learning Objectives

  • Review demographic and health trends underpinning the need for public health agencies to engage more with older populations.
  • Review the Trust for America’s Health’s Public Health Framework to Support the Improvement of Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults.
  • Identify strategic objectives for a public health organization that would benefit from new partners in aging services.
  • Align Public Health 3.0 (or Public Health Modernization) priorities with health across the lifespan initiatives.

Intended Audiences

Local, state, and tribal public health professionals; gerontologists; aging and disability resource center and area agencies on aging staff


Kirsten Aird, MPH, Cross Agency Systems Manager, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Section, Public Health Division, Oregon Health Authority

Discussion Questions

  1. What data are states and local health departments considering when looking at health for populations over 65?
  2. Of the five components of the Public Health Framework to Support the Improvement of Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults, where could you start? Or, if applicable, what are you already doing?
  3. What is one next step you could consider taking to support older adults? What would help you take that first (or next) step?

Slides and Resources


    Air Date: 
    Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PDT
    Chronic Disease
    Program Planning & Evaluation
    1 hour
    Hot Topics in Practice
    Competency Domains: 
    Analytical/Assessment Skills
    Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
    Policy Development/Program Planning Skills