In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, representatives from Public Health – Seattle & King County describe their work investigating and preventing childhood deaths through a multi-sector review team.

Learning Objectives

  • List two reasons why the child death review process is a core foundational public health activity.
  • Describe the burden of violence and injury in Seattle and King County, Washington.
  • Identify selected child and firearm injury prevention strategies.
  • List three strategies for engaging key stakeholders in preventing child deaths.

Intended Audiences

Local, state, and tribal public health professionals; elected officials and fiscal decision-makers; entities impacted by child deaths and firearm injuries, including first responders, hospitals, rehabilitation staff, schools, and governments


Tony Gomez, Violence and Injury Prevention Unit Manager, Public Health – Seattle & King County

Whitney Taylor, Firearm Violence Prevention and Child Fatality Review Program Manager, Public Health – Seattle & King County

Discussion Questions

  1. How do strong public health risk assessment data, such as firearm ownership and firearm storage practices, contribute to violence and injury prevention strategies?
  2. Which key players should be part of a child death review team to ensure the group succeeds?
  3. How do recommendations from child death review teams align with the Spectrum of Prevention and Socio-Ecological Models?



    Air Date: 
    Tuesday, December 13, 2016, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST
    Violence and Injury Prevention
    1 hour
    Hot Topics in Practice
    Competency Domains: 
    Analytical/Assessment Skills
    Communication Skills
    Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
    Cultural Competency Skills
    Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
    Public Health Sciences Skills